
I craft captivating and personalized brand showcases on Amazon. I’ve designed and managed storefronts, listing content, Enhanced Brand Content, Amazon Posts, and much more. My work on Amazon has brought small businesses over $10,000 annually and I would love to do the same for you.


Digital Marketing Manager | Rhino Fine Foods

September 2020 - May 2024

  • Developed and executed branding strategies for clients

  • Designed and optimized Enhanced Brand Content for 100+ Amazon listings

  • Created and maintained Amazon Storefronts with $15,000+ in annual sales


Storefronts act as the homebase for your brand on Amazon. This allows you to have a short URL ( and protects the integrity of your brand. Storefronts help showcase your products and brand story. Having a Storefront is required to participate in the Amazon Posts program, which promotes your brand on competitor’s listings. The following Storefronts I’ve designed have made the brands thousands of dollars annually and increased their credibility on Amazon.

Kam Yen Jan

Pasta Natura

Seattle Pickle Co.

Killian Korn

Rhino Fine Foods


Forest Farmstead

Maestri Pastai

San Gennaro


Strong listings are the key to success on Amazon. For the following listings, I have created the images, videos, and Enhanced Brand Content on the page.

Funky’s Hot Sauce

Woodcutters’ Syrup

Enhanced Brand Content

Once you register your brand with Amazon, you’re eligible to add Enhanced Brand Content to your listings. Not only does this help your product take up more valuable real estate on the page, it also gives you great opportunities to WOW your potential customers. I have created Enhanced Brand Content for over 100 listings and these are some of my favorite examples.


Amazon Posts are essential if you want to grow on Amazon. These posts appear on competitors listings and allows you to directly link up to 5 products. Through Amazon Posts, I have brought thousands of eyes to small businesses’ products.